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Financial Calculators

Retirement Savings and Planning
How long will my retirement savings last?Use this calculator to see how long your retirement savings will last based on your retirement savings and your inflation adjusted withdrawals.
Individual 401(k) Contribution ComparisonUse this calculator to determine your 2024 maximum Individual 401(k) contribution as compared to other possible plan options.
Pension Plan Retirement OptionsUse this calculator to help decide between joint survivorship and single survivorship pension options.
Pension vs. Lump Sum Payout CalculatorUse this calculator to compare the results of getting a lump sum payout instead of a guaranteed monthly pension for life.
Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)Use this calculator to determine your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) and estimate future required distributions.
Retirement Income CalculatorUse this calculator to determine how much monthly income your retirement savings may provide you in your retirement.
Retirement Pension Planner CalculatorPlan your retirement with a company pension, find out if you are on track - and learn how to stay there.
Retirement Plan Withdrawal CalculatorUse this calculator to see what your net withdrawal would be after taxes and penalties are taken into account.
Roth 401(k) Conversion CalculatorThis calculator will show the advantage, if any, of converting your pre-tax 401(k) to a Roth 401(k).
Roth 401(k) vs. Traditional 401(k) CalculatorUse this calculator to determine which 401(k) contribution type might be right for you.
Roth vs. Traditional 401(k) and your PaycheckSee how a Roth vs. Traditional 401(k) might affect your take home pay as well as your retirement savings.
Should you borrow from a 401(k) or 403(b)?The majority of 401(k) plans and a growing number of 403(b) plans let you borrow money from your account. Use this calculator to help you determine if you should borrow, and the potential impact on your retirement savings.
Mortgage Calculators
15 vs. 30-Year MortgageUse this calculator to compare a 15-year to a 30-year mortgage term, and let us help you decide which term is better for you.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage CalculatorThis calculator helps you to determine what your adjustable mortgage payments will be.
ARM & Interest Only ARM vs. Fixed Rate MortgageUse this calculator to compare a fixed rate mortgage to two types of ARMs, a Fully Amortizing ARM and an Interest Only ARM.
FHA Loan CalculatorUse this calculator to determine your FHA loan amount and how much cash needed for to complete the home purchase.
Home Rent vs. Buy CalculatorAre you better off buying your home, or should you continue to rent?
Mortgage Calculator with Taxes and InsuranceUse this calculator to determine your monthly mortgage principal, interest, taxes and insurance payment (PITI) and amortization schedule.
Mortgage Payoff CalculatorSave thousands of dollars in interest by increasing your monthly mortgage payment.
Mortgage Points CalculatorShould you buy points? Use this calculator to find out.
Mortgage Qualifier CalculatorCan you buy your dream home? Find out just how much you can afford!
Mortgage Refinance CalculatorShould you refinance your mortgage? Use this calculator to determine when you will break even on a mortgage refinance.
Reverse Mortgage CalculatorThis calculator is specifically designed to show you how the outstanding balance of a reverse mortgage can rapidly grow over a period of time.
Seller Closing Cost CalculatorUse this calculator to help estimate your closing costs and net proceeds from the sale of a home.
Should I Refinance CalculatorUse this calculator to see how much interest you can save by refinancing your mortgage!
Loan Calculators
Enhanced Loan CalculatorUse the slider controls to instantly change your monthly payment, loan amount, interest rate or term.
Loan Comparison CalculatorUse this calculator to sort through the monthly payments, fees and other costs when comparing loan options.
Credit Cards and Debt Management
Accelerated Debt Payoff CalculatorConsolidating your debt is only half of the battle. You still need a plan to get your debt paid in full. This calculator can show you how to accelerate your debt payoff.
Consolidation Loan Investment CalculatorGetting a consolidation loan can do more than payoff your debt. Use this calculator to see the results of paying off your debt and investing your payment savings.
Credit Card Minimum Payment CalculatorUse this calculator to determine how long it will take you to payoff your credit cards if you only make the minimum payments.
Credit Card Optimizer CalculatorThe Credit Card Optimizer helps you determine the best distribution of your credit card debt.
Credit Card Pay Off CalculatorUse this calculator to see what it will take to pay off your credit card balance, and what you can change to meet your repayment goals.
How Much Do You Owe CalculatorUse this calculator as a starting point for your debt management plan.
Personal Debt Consolidation CalculatorShould you consolidate your debt? This calculator is designed to help determine if debt consolidation is right for you.
Snowball Debt Elimination CalculatorThis Debt Calculator applies two simple principles to paying off all your Debt that can cut years off of your repayment schedule.
Student Loan Consolidation and Debt Payoff CalculatorThe Student Loan Consolidation and Debt Payoff calculator applies two simple principles to paying off your Debt; Consolidate your student loans, and use the monthly savings to pay off your other outstanding debt.
Auto Calculators
Auto Loan Early Payoff CalculatorFind out how much interest you can save by increasing your monthly auto loan payment.
Auto Rebate vs. Low Interest Financing CalculatorUse this calculator to help you determine whether you should take advantage of low interest financing or a manufacturer rebate.
Buy vs. Lease CalculatorShould you buy or lease your next automobile or finance it? Find out with this calculator!
Investment Calculators
Compare Investment FeesEven a small difference in the fees you pay on your investments can add up over time. Use this calculator to see how different fees impact your investment strategy!
Inflation - Historic Impact on InvestmentsInflation reduces your the purchasing power of your money. Use this calculator to see the historic impact of inflation on an investment or savings balance.
Investment Goal CalculatorUse this calculator to see if your investment plan is on track to meet your investment goals - and receive suggestions on how to change it if you are falling short.
Investment Questionnaire - Broad PortfolioThe Investment Questionnaire is designed to help you create a balanced portfolio from a broad range of investment classes.
Investment Questionnaire - Cash, Fixed Income and EquitiesThis questionnaire is designed to help you create a balanced portfolio of the three basic investment classes: Cash, Fixed Income and Equities.
Mutual Fund Expense CalculatorThis calculator can help you analyze the costs associated with buying shares in a mutual fund. By entering a few pieces of information, found in your fund's prospectus, you can see the impact of fees and operating expenses on your investment.
Present Value Goal CalculatorUse this calculator to determine how much needs to be invested now to achieve a future goal. The total amount required immediately is reduced by the present value of a stream of additional deposits.
Taxable vs. Tax Deferred InvestmentsThis calculator is designed to help compare a normal taxable investment vs. a tax deferred investment.
Taxable vs. Tax Deferred vs. Tax Free InvestmentThis calculator is designed to help compare a normal taxable investment, a tax deferred investment and tax-free investment.
Tax Calculators
Payroll Deductions CalculatorUse this calculator to help you determine your net paycheck. This calculator uses the 2024 tables and the redesigned W-4 created to comply with the elimination of exemptions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).
Payroll Deductions Comparison CalculatorUse this calculator to help you determine the impact of changing your payroll deductions. This calculator uses the redesigned W-4 created to comply with the elimination of exemptions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).
Savings Calculators
College Savings CalculatorUse this calculator to help develop or fine tune your education savings plan.
Don't Delay Your Savings!Waiting to begin your savings plan can have a huge impact on your results. This calculator helps show you how much postponing your savings plan can really cost.
Emergency Savings CalculatorThis calculator helps you determine how much emergency savings you may need, and how you can begin saving toward this important goal.
Home Buyer Savings CalculatorUse this tool to help you calculate what it might take to save for your new house.
Lunch Savings CalculatorUse this calculator to see how a simple change such as bringing a bagged lunch to work can really add up.
Savings Goal CalculatorWhat will it take to reach your savings goal? This financial calculator helps you find out.
Savings, Taxes, and Inflation CalculatorUse this calculator to determine how much your savings will be worth with these two important variables in mind.
Vice Savings CalculatorUse this calculator to see how a simple changes in your spending habits for common vices such as smoking, drinking or even eating out can really add up.
Personal Finance
Debt-to-Income RatioUse this calculator to determine your debt-to-income ratio, an important measure in determining your ability to get a loan.
Home Budget AnalysisAnalyze your budget, see where your money goes and find out where you can improve!
Life ExpectancyThis calculator can give you an idea of your life expectancy based on your current age, smoking habits, gender and several other important lifestyle choices.
Net Worth CalculatorThis calculator helps you determine your net worth. It also estimates how your net worth could grow (or shrink!) over the next ten years.
Should my spouse work?This calculator is designed to help you see the financial impact of having either one or two incomes for your household.
Student BudgetThis calculator is specifically designed to help students understand their expenses and income while attending a university, college or other full-time educational institution.
Insurance Calculators
Comprehensive Life Insurance AnalysisHow much life insurance do you need? This comprehensive life calculator includes detailed net worth analysis, budgeting and college savings helps you find out.
Disability InsuranceUse this calculator to determine how much disability insurance you may need to cover expenses if you are unable to work due to illness or injury.
Health Savings Account (HSA) Savings CalculatorUse this calculator to help you determine how much your Health Savings Account (HSA) will be worth over time.
Immediate Annuity CalculatorEstimate what your monthly payments might be from an immediate annuity.
Life Insurance CalculatorFind out how much life insurance you really need!
Long Term Care CalculatorLong term care is needed by those who can't perform the basic tasks required to take care of themselves. This calculator can help you determine if you are financially prepared for this impending expense.
Long-Term Care Required SavingsUse this calculator to see what it might take to save, or self-fund, your long-term care needs.

This calculator is made available for your use by PwC and its third party licensors.